Towards the end of April 2015 Sydney experienced what was called “the storm of the century”.
Sydney was battered by wind, rain and hail. The Hunter Valley experienced flash flooding as a result of the extreme rainfall, causing substantial damage to bridges and buildings and loss of life.
Meanwhile the Daily Telegraph dubbed the event “Umbrellageddon”.
Jo Ayling and Janai Anselmi kindly collected these forlorn and forsaken umbrellas for me to photograph.
Towards the end of April 2015 Sydney experienced what was called “the storm of the century”.
Sydney was battered by wind, rain and hail. The Hunter Valley experienced flash flooding as a result of the extreme rainfall, causing substantial damage to bridges and buildings and loss of life.
Meanwhile the Daily Telegraph dubbed the event “Umbrellageddon”.
Jo Ayling and Janai Anselmi kindly collected these forlorn and forsaken umbrellas for me to photograph.